by Valerie | Feb 24, 2014 | art, childhood, General interest, history, travel
On the weather map we were at the edge of rain clouds yesterday afternoon. We ventured north for our Sunday walk undeterred, not sure where we would end up. I remembered that over a decade ago, perhaps more, we went to Howsham Hall. Every Christmas we always invited a... by Valerie | Feb 19, 2014 | art, book reviews, Fashion, General interest, history, people, reading groups, theatre, writing a novel
All writers must be thrilled when a reader points out a nuance or theme or anything positive that they haven’t noticed. In a world of knee-jerk criticism, this gives a sharp sensation of pleasure. It’s what Linda Bamber must be feeling with any feedback for her... by Valerie | Feb 17, 2014 | 1950s, book reviews, childhood, Fifties, General interest, history, people, reading groups
The Bronte sisters didn’t mention railways when they wrote Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, though a line had reached nearby Halifax in their lifetime. I was thinking of Thomas Hardy particularly when we were walking in the Yorkshire Wolds yesterday. After so much... by Valerie | Feb 14, 2014 | 1950s, art, book reviews, childhood, Fifties, General interest, history, people, Uncategorized, writing a novel
I expected one of the three I was to drive to our book group member who lives in the countryside would call and tell me it was too dangerous. Gale force winds were wailing outside. They all came, intrepid and determined not to miss our meeting. At the first roundabout... by Valerie | Feb 12, 2014 | 1950s, art, book reviews, childhood, horse riding, museums, reading groups
The wind is howling down my chimney. Yesterday we drove back from visiting friends in York through light snow – the first this winter. Tonight I’m driving a carload of friends into the countryside to the only member of our book group who lives out of town. Let’s hope...
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